3D Modeling and Design
3D modeling and design of the audience's needs make a forward move with confidence.
Previously, designs and types of modeling have been presented as 2D images on paper to help people understand what designers have in mind. But nowadays, 3D design is common in many fields such as segmentation, architecture, industrial design, robotics, aerospace and more.

3D Modeling
When you are thinking of creating your ideas or products, you need to have a precise visualization to make the right presentation.
In this regard, creative experts of 3D modeling and design of Sahneh using powerful software are trying to achieve the desired designs.

Industrial Design
Industrial design is a combination of the art of design and industry, and innovation in the industry is highlighted by the emergence of new human needs. So it is up to those who have mastered the design according to its artistic aspects, as well as having enough knowledge of the other sciences with the new designs and ideas that they present, to turn these needs from imagination into reality.

To produce a product, everything starts from visualization and creativity of a set of different ideas and then developing those ideas into a new object or product.
Nowadays, computerized design of jewelry has become one of the most important necessities in the jewelry market and has become widespread in most countries of the world.

Nowadays, with the advent of 3D modeling software and rendering engines, many reputable companies use 3D rendered images in the advertising. In this method, first, the desired product is made by using available information as a three-dimensional model with precise dimensions. In the next step, each part of the model is assigned the desired material.
Finally, with proper lighting and rendering engines, the image of the product with the right quality and custom resolution is prepared.